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At rejuvenators massage, we do not just believe that a massage is a temporary form of relief from stress or a way of combatting jet-lag or even just something ‘nice’ to pass the time. Massage is one of several ways of activating the parasympathetic nervous system, or more simply put, ‘switching off stress’. When we are constantly stressed, our bodies get used to this state and do not ‘turn off’. This is extremely bad for our health and needs action to combat. A Rejuvenators Massage in Adelaide Brisbane Perth Melbourne Sydney will help do just this! But please read this article, as it has some great tips to get your relaxation process started. Read on and enjoy 🙂

“Relaxation response” refers to your personal ability to facilitate the release of brain signals as well as chemicals that slow down your organs and muscles while increasing blood flow rate to your brain. Dr. Herbert Benson, a professor, author, cardiologist, and founder of the Mind/Body Medical Institute of the Harvard University is the inventor of the term.  According to the contents of his book – The Relaxation Response, when relaxation response is consistently practiced, it helps in treating several stress-related disorders.

Likewise, Dr. Benson is known for extensively clarifying meditation, and his decision to retitle it as “Relaxation Response” contributes to its wide acceptance.  Better health is encouraged by meditation, notably in hypertensive patients, as confirmed in Dr. Benson’s studies of the 1960s and 1970s.  There are significantly reduced stress levels in people who practice regular meditation.  It also reduces the blood pressure levels and resting heart rate of such individuals.

Basically, Relaxation Response is the sharp contrast of the reaction or response obtainable in “fight or flight.”  Thus, by employing Relaxation Response, the physiological effects that come with stress and the fight or flight response are canceled out.

It is when we notice that we are under too much pressure that we also feel the stress associated with flight or fight response.  However, such feeling is only intended to serve as a means of protection against bodily harm.  When this happens, there is an instantaneous engagement of our sympathetic nervous system, thus producing several physiological changes like blood pressure, enhanced metabolism, pupil dilation, breathing and heart rate, and blood vessels constriction among others.  The synergy of these responses makes us to either fight or flee from stress or danger.

Difficult physiological changes, such as shallow breathing, racing heartbeat, stomach upsets, headaches, and tensioned muscle, are probable complaints of individuals experiencing the flight or fight response.  When prompted regularly, a certain level of harm may come with flight or fight responses.  For instance, an increased rate of secretion of stress hormones can lead to several stress-related medical conditions, including adrenal fatigue, GI, and cardiovascular diseases, among others.

However, with Relaxation Response, fight or flight response is overridden, and the body is back to pre-stress levels.  According to Dr. Benson, this “Relaxation Response” is a state of deep relaxation that involves the other parts of the nervous system, i.e., the parasympathetic nervous system.  When Relaxation Response is rightly and regularly employed, it can relieve any chronic stress-related health problems, including insomnia, hypertension, anxiety disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, fibromyalgia, and more.

Provocation of the Relaxation Response can be achieved by several methods, such as visualisation, progressive muscle relaxation, prayer, meditation, tai chi, qi gong, yoga, breathing techniques, massage, and acupuncture among others.  You are a step closer to true relaxation when you eliminate everyday thoughts from your consciousness, or when you focus on a particular word, sound, phrase, prayer, or even on your breathing.

Dr. Benson further explained that learning deep relaxation, i.e., finding time to quiet our minds and create inner peace and better health, is one of the most useful skills we can achieve in life.   The same level of importance is attached to healing.  In the course of energy healing process, the patient relaxes better, and with a quiet mind, they feel the calming effects of the healer’s work.  The feedback from energy healing patients is very similar to those recorded in the results of Dr. Benson’s studies.

When we know how to practice Relaxation Response, we are better equipped to handle unexpected causes of stress in our lives and to heal ourselves, while ultimately achieving improved health.  Relaxation Response is best practiced as the first thing in the morning, and the ideal duration is ten to twenty minutes.  When it is done once or twice in a day, it is enough to neutralise the stress response, while offering the practitioners inner peace and in-depth relaxation.

The Relaxation Response technique techniques listed below are extracted from the book – The Relaxation Response – by Dr. Herbert Benson.

How to amplify the Relaxation Response

  1. Sit comfortably and stay quiet.
  2. Shut your eyes.
  3. Relax all your muscles deeply. Start with your feet and move up to the face.
  4. Breathe naturally and easily through your nose. Focus on the breath.  With each outward and inward breath, say the word “one” silently.  Repeat this with the second, third, and every breath.
  5. Continue this for 10 to 20 minutes. Do not use an alarm, instead, open your eyes and quickly glance at the time.  In the end, maintain a comfortable sitting posture for several minutes, close your eyes for the first few minutes, and then open your eyes.
  6. Do not be overly concerned with how successful you are in your quest to achieve quality relaxation. Instead, just give room for free relaxation, while keeping a passive attitude. In instances of distracting thoughts, endeavor to ignore them by not pondering over them for long.  Instead, revert to the “one” breathing.
  7. When you practice more frequently, the response will come effortlessly. A once or twice daily practice is recommended.  However, such practice session must not be within two hours after any meal, because the amplification of the Relaxation Response is probably disturbed by the digestive process.

To keep your mind from bearing random thoughts, you can choose any word that exudes calm and melody, but without meaning or association.

Elicit your Relaxation Response-ability today by registering for an exquisite Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth Melbourne or Sydney massage from Rejuvenators.  Kindly put a call through to us. You can book here for an immediate response. Please note that Rejuvenators is a massage provider that provides “At home Massage” meaning we come to your hotel, or your hotel saving you time and stress!